Thursday, 29 November 2012

Stop food wastage; don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Why take more than you can?

According to 222milliontons, up to 570 million kilograms of food is wasted in Singapore yearly, also equivalent to 10,000 SBS double decker buses.

Food wastage is known to everyone around the world, but it is becoming a topic that is just passed off as a common remark. Food plays an important role in our lives, and with its abundance and easy accessibility, it is easily taken for granted by many.

Foodwasterepublic have found out that a market discards up to 30,000 kilos of unwanted vegetable parts and blemished fruits every day. This is based on observations done by food waste recycling company IUT Global.

Some of these “blemished” fruits include pears that are not in the right circumference. How does the circumference of a pear affect how it tastes? We as consumers are creating the demand for perfection which results in unnecessary wastage of food.

With the growing population, this habit that we have cultivated will have a greater impact on more people. So the next time when the supermarket is left with fruits that do not look so good on the outside, remember that they taste the same on the inside. Also, when you are eating out, you can do your part by asking for a portion that you can finish. These acts may seem little, but the results are far more than we can imagine.

There are already movements in Singapore to curb this growing problem that will inevitably harm our future generations. Foodwasterepublic is a local site that helps to create awareness on foodwastage and tell us more about the food waste in Singapore.

Are we going to put an end to food wastage, or are we going to let food wastage put an end to us?


  1. hmmm so true... maybe next time i should think of packing all my leftovers and shipping it over to africa. i reckon that should be able to feed one whole village. for a year!
