Monday, 24 December 2012

Nasi briyani

By Jonas Tay

Ang Mo Kio Block 339 street 31
Price: $5
Ratings: 3.5/5 stars

Nasi Briyani is one of my favourite foods and I will always pick this dish over others if I happen to see a store selling it. This nasi briyani is the top few of my ‘all time nasi briyani’ list. One can even smell the fragrance of the rice from afar. The rice comes in a huge serving too. I have to admit that even I, a self-proclaimed glutton, could not finish the rice. It is bound to fill your stomach and make you rub your tummy with joy. Served with curry, it provides a spicy alternative for you chilli/spicy fans out there too.

However, it is the fried chicken which really whets my appetite. Its skin is salty with a hint of sweetness which acts as a form of ‘appetiser’, making you want more. As seen from the photo, the stall vendors are not stingy with their serving of the chicken too. I must say that my hunger and appetite was more than satisfied after this meal. This nasi briyani is so good, I don’t even feel the pinch of paying $5!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, the other day, Dhivyavani was asking me for recommendations for indian food stalls to go on a date with Kovalan Rosta. I had no idea why of all people, she asked me! I'm not indian, and neither do I eat a lot of indian food.

    But, thank god for this post, Jonas. Now I can walk over to Dhivyavani in Team 3 with my head high and proudly say "Ang Mo Kio Block 339 street 31. That's where all them good food at."
